Chapter CXVI: End of the Bandit War
Dimuha sat on the old chair opposite of Olivius. Unlike Sultan and Livid, Olivius had chosen the medic's office as his new place. He stated that Sultan's office had been a bad move, three bandit leaders had died there already. So now the first negotiation of Olivius' career would take place in his new office. Olivius offered Dimuha a shot glass and poured in some of his own moonshine.
Pey do dna!, Olivius cheered and they emptied the glasses.
Man this is just as terrible as I remembered, Dimuha said with a grin.
It's just for refined tastes, something you'd never understand. But yes, let's get to business then. So, what do you want for this little helping hand?, Olivius asked, shooting a sly gaze at Dimuha.
I need ammo, supplies, equipment and guns. But we can pay for those. What we need as exchange for our help is a guarantee. We need allies, Duty and Military are a danger to us both. Cover our asses while we head north, keep routes to Meadow protected, and we will consider this debt of yours paid.
I see. You want a bandit's promise? Did you perhaps get dropped on your head a few times too many as a child?
You saw what we did to Livid's men. You're even weaker now than Livid was, and we were weakened harshly by the campaign up north. Imagine if we returned to Meadow with our leadership, to find that you neglected this duty I gave you, or even attacked the place yourself. Boris would squash you under his boot in seconds. You were here when we humiliated Sultan. Your faction was full strength back then and we only had Hip, Boris and Dima. Do you, really, wish to see what our faction can do if you defy us?, Dimuha replied harshly, knowing that offense was the best strategy with the more business-oriented bandits.
Fine. I'll keep my men on patrol around Meadow. But we won't be no best pals, I despise your little hippie commune and that whole "redemption is possible for everyone" shit. It's all utter bullshit to me. But we can be neighbours for now, I don't care for a wasteland like Meadow and you guys will probably die out soon enough. There is still a problem though, Olivius said with a sigh, pouring more moonshine.
Let me guess. Shishak?, Dimuha asked.
Da. I do not understand what he wants. And honestly? I don't care too much. I don't know what happened to him, but he is a tougher now than back then. Back in Jupiter, he was real soft, only did the occasional kidnapping and stuck to fleecing rookies or selling black market stuff. Now, I saw him really put his foot down in Garbage. Flea Market, Butcher's place, most of the minor camps, even Cordon car park and northern checkpoint are under his command.
And you want me to get rid of him? Mate, if he has all that, it would take me weeks to dislodge him from them. If at all possible, I don't have many heavily armoured guys.
Not exactly. I did not want to compromise with Livid, that man was a bastard like Borov, and killing him was... Auspicious for everyone. I want to negotiate with Shishak, perhaps we can get an arrangement. I don't want to be a full-on bandit leader, I did that once already and it was bad. Klenov is a small fish, but Shishak has potential. He seems to think that he needs to beat me to submission, but I'm willing to negotiate a terms for the exchange of power.
If I was in a different position, I would judge you for being a pussy and wanting to step down, but having led Redemption for now, I get what you mean. I would go back to my position as a lieutenant in seconds if I could. But what you need me for?
I want you to be my negotiator. You're a neutral entity, an unknown variable to Shishak. If you do this, I'll give your boys some goodies for the trip north, Olivius replied with a mischievous grin.
I see. I think you mistake me for Boris, I'm no diplomat. I'm a fighter, always been, Dimuha replied bluntly.
Sure, but you only need to rely my message to the man. Go with a sufficient force but make it clear you come in peace. A show of force and a show of goodwill. Now listen, and I'll tell you what to say, Olivius said and begun to explain his terms.
A day later sun rose over Garbage, warming the brown and white ground underneath with its rays. Spring was truly here. A bandit guard standing on the plank tower along the side of the Depot noticed a large group of men approaching the old train hangar. The men closed in under white flag, and even though that meant nothing in the Zone, the bandit held his fire. The men were wearing Redemption colours, and so far his boss Shishak had given no statement on how to handle them. He woke up the others and the Depot was prepared for an attack. It never came however.
Dimuha holstered his gun and approached the Depot alone. A show of force and a show of goodwill, the words of Olivius echoed inside his head. The bandit gate guard eyed him suspiciously until he was in range of hearing. Only then did the bandit speak:
Stoi, urod. The hell you strolling here for?
I've got stuff to discuss with your bossman. Now shoo, go fetch him, I want to talk to an adult, Dimuha replied arrogantly.
You know, I've shot men for less.
Listen, we can stand here and posture as long as you want, but in the end I will have words with your boss. You get to choose if you're still alive at that point. Choose wisely, Dimuha said and took out his RPK.
The bandit's cognitive wheels seemed to whirr for a moment, then he turned around and walked inside. A while later, Shishak walked out of the base, looking annoyed. He was of average height, with very short hair and normal facial features. One could have easily thought of him as the average joe if not for the massive scar running from the top of his head all the way down to his neck and inside his trenchcoat. The trenchcoat was also a magnificently well made. Normally the so called Heavy Trenchcoat worn by many factions had a butchered scientific suit underneath a trenchcoat, built with very crude craftmanship. This specimen however was clearly well-crafted, a merging of the coolness factor of a trenchcoat and the effectiveness of a SEVA suit, a wet dream for a bandit.
So, Redemption. I wondered when you'd make an appearance. What do you want?, Shishak asked in a bored voice.
I've come to bargain. Not on my behalf, but on Olivius'. He wants to unite the bandits, Dimuha replied, in equally uninterested voice.
Why is Redemption working as Olivius' messenger boy? Why not show his face here himself.
Because you shot his two other messengers. But judging by the treatment we've received so far, you at least don't want direct conflict with us. So hear me out, will ya?
And why should I? Olivius holds some random cave in Dark Valley and got his ass handed to him by Livid. He holds no power.
He just reclaimed Dark Valley base you baffoon, do you not have scouts there? What kind of a bandit leader is not performing constant surveillance on his enemies?, Dimuha mocked, and Shishak's face went red.
Hey what the hell, you come here to insult me, at the foot of my fortress, with your tiny army?
Indeed. You tried to dish it out but clearly can't take it. Listen, I couldn't give a shit about your little skirmish, but I also don't want Duty or the Military to take advantage of a weak bandit faction. I finally got you to listen, so listen to me and listen well, Dimuha ordered, and despite his anger, Shishak listened.
Olivius wants to unite the bandits. He has only three things he wants you to accept. One, Olivius, Limpid and Pug get to keep their positions. Two, they retain their advisor positions, even if you, Shishak, get to be the big boss. And three, Redemption is considered neutral to bandits and thus bandits will not stray into Meadow with ill intentions.
You added that last point, didn't you?, Shishak said, his anger having dissipated slightly, giving way to slight amusement.
Of course not, I would never... Okay, yes. Consider the last point my demand. Do you accept these terms? If you do, you will have my trust, as a former fellow bandit and current leader of Redemption. I know that once you were a man of your word, because Sultan used to rant that you were soft. If you still have some of that left, then you and I can coexist.
Indeed I once was. A rare trait for a bandit. Degtyarev ruined me, gave me this goddamn scar, but perhaps... Perhaps I can allow myself to make some concessions to my former self. I will accept the terms. We are still not friends, but I will let you do your thing in Meadow if you allow us to do our thing in Dark Valley, Shishak said in a reminiscing voice, clearly thinking back to the days of Jupiter.
Damn, I thought this would be much harder. Why did you accept so easily?, Dimuha asked, dumbfounded.
Back when Degtyarev ruined me, I was exiled by Klenov while I was still weak from my wounds. I travelled to Zaton and hid there with a bunch of other exiled bandits, basically we were renegades. We stumbled upon this new area west of Zaton, it was untouched by stalkers, and we tried to survive in that valley. We did for a few years, as I feared for reprisal from either Sultan or SSU. I was driven by paranoia more than anything else. Then one day, after we had been gaining strength, we started raiding Zaton. And then I learned of the bandit civil war.
Okay, but how does this have anything to do with this decision?, Dimuha questioned.
It's because I am tired. I'm tired of being an outcast, of being a rival warlord constantly living in fear that my enemies will outsmart or outgun me. I had not realized how much this weighed on me.
Huh. Perhaps I am a good diplomat after all.
Njet, you suck at this. But you made the right call making me listen. And I thank you for it. Treasure that, as I don't grant such things often.
I don't care mate. I just want to get to the north and save my buddies. Every day counts. I only want the bandits to leave my faction alone.
And we will. If you're going to go north, are you willing to make one last favour for the bandits? I'll trade you a gun I have for it, Shishak asked and took out a highly customized Groza assault rifle.
Ugh, fine. But only after we've done our thing. What is it?, Dimuha grunted.
Give me a second and I'll write up a letter to Klenov. He needs to be put in his place, and I know just the right thing, Shishak said and disappeared back into the Depot for a few minutes, returning after that with an envelope.
Give him that, it's all I ask. Here's your payment, a Zone-modified Groza. It uses 5.45x45mm, standard, AP and HP. More accurate than the normal version, better velocity and ballistics than the Nimble's version.
That's... Quite generous, actually. Thank you, I will give your regards to Klenov if I survive.
I may not like you much, Dimuha, but I hope you do. I guess you and I are not so different, we both no longer want to be outcasts after all, Shishak said, deep in thought.
Indeed. Except we're wholesome and you're not, Dimuha joked and Shishak chuckled dryly.
Shut up, the new bandit leader commented, but his tone betrayed his amusement.
Redemption left the Depot to head for the final preparations in Meadow. While moving through the wilderness between Garbage and Meadow, Dimuha received a PDA message from Vova. He had been able to heal Psoglav to a much better state, and the ex-Sinner had asked for Boris. After Vova had explained what had happened to the man in question and who was now in charge, Psoglav had grabbed his arm and demanded that he meets Dimuha. The fire in the ex-Sinners' eyes caused Vova to send the message out. Somehow Dimuha knew that whatever Psoglav had to say was important, and the Redemption contingent picked up the pace. The Bandit War had for the most part come to an end, but for Redemption, it was only the beginning.
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