Chapter CXXXV: Intercepting the Infiltrators

 When Boris led his squad into the Yanov station for the third time in a short while, it had finally returned to its crowded state. Freedom squads chatted away around the tables, and from the athmosphere it was clear that the raid had been a success. Hawaiian served drinks and weed to the flecktarn-wearing warriors, and the Freedom fighters sang Ukrainian anarchists songs in only slightly slurred manner. Loki looked like he was the only one who had not enjoyed adult beverages or other substances, and he greeted Boris, Dima and Sanyok from his table.

  • Ah, Redemption! Thanks for stopping those damn Zombified, I don't want to think about what could have happened if they got through, the Freedom leader said.

  • We didn't stop them, the rain did, Boris commented, but Loki grinned all the same and handed him a bottle of Nemiroff for his troubles.

  • Lighten up, brother, you guys seriously need to learn to take the glory or else you'll be in that Redemption business still when Sidorovich finally keels over and makes the world infinitely better place, Loki replied.

  • Not much of a fan?, Dima asked in an amused tone.

  • Hell, only thing I can somehow appreciate is his anarcho-capitalist mindset, but other than that he is a pig and the sooner he is slaughtered and served with gravy the better.

  • 3...2...1, click. Bounty added on Loki, I can almost hear it in real time, Dima laughed as Boris handed him the Nemiroff.

  • Any news from Max, by the way? I assume you were informed of the situation by Yurka?, Boris asked and Loki grew serious.

  • Yes. I heard you sent your men to warn him. I don't doubt that you guys have a point, but I'm sure a competent leader like Max can deal with whatever's lurking in there. Besides, not like he has much of a choice, Loki scoffed, and Boris was about to ask him what that meant when Degtyarev walked into the room.

  • Boris, Dima and Sanyok! Come, we've got business to attend to. Loki, mind if we use your office? I promise not to touch the SVD... again, the colonel asked, and the three Redemption stalkers followed.

Inside, Boris explained what had happened at the UNISG camp, gave the colonel the pendrive he had received and mentioned the professor they had met as well. Degtyarev stuck the pendrive into his laptop and went through the files quickly. His face grew more annoyed as he digged deeper. Eventually Degryarev rose up and turned the laptop around so the squad could see it.

  • Aila doesn't disappoint, but I am afraid we have bad news. These troops are merely a scout force, with more UNISG troops coming in soon. They already have good data on the Zone at large, and they're trying to get information on the psi-installations. Another squad will soon hit Jupiter factory with the aim to collect documents from there. Apparently the first raid they did there was not a smashing success. We need to make the second one even worse, Degtyarev ordered.

  • Huh, so we're full on SSU operatives now?, Sanyok asked sarcastically.

  • I don't want Freedomers finding out about UNISG, it's already hard enough working with them due to... political differences. And Spartacus' men are good guards but not that good on the offensive. My men are spread out thin. I may not trust you completely, but you are my best bet right now. Help me with this one last mission and you've earned my trust, Degtyarev said, and Boris could see he meant it.

  • I was already going to say yes. I don't want any more governmental agencies snooping in my Zone, you guys are a pain in the ass already. Lead the way, colonel, we'll cover your back, Boris replied, and the colonel grinned.

The squad set out, joined by their new member. They stopped only briefly to get Degtyarev's rifle from Cardan, a variant of Groza bullpup outfitted with an integrated suppressor and AGOC scope. Dima looked at the rifle jealously, and the colonel smiled, promising to get him one if they survived this mission. With this, he won over the former ex-merc finally. Once more the squad marched over the quarry's sides, climbing the hill overlooking the gigantic excavator and avoiding the UNISG squad near the factory. This was an unnecessary precaution, as the infiltrators had disappeared already.

  • Ever been to this place?, the SSU agent asked as they entered the compound through its main entrance.

  • Nope, never. Place creeps me up, and I've heard that it is crawling with bloodsuckers, Dima commented.

  • I bet those will be the least of our troubles today, Sanyok said gloomily.

Just as they stepped into the inner yard, a bullet cracked by and struck the ground near them. Degtyarev dove back inside the building while Dima and Sanyok took cover in a small trench by the building. Boris flipped the grenade launcher sight of his M16 up, took aim while leaning out and caught a bullet straight into the helmet of his suit. Dazed, he stumbled back and was helped into cover by Degtyarev.

  • Jesus, your helmet... Smack bang in the visor and yet you lived. Incredible!, Degtyarev exclaimed upon seeing the battered MASKA.

  • I don't feel too incredible, in fact feels like I just got hit in the face by a sledgehammer. The fucker is in the connecting corridor between the buildings, Boris groaned and gave his rifle to the colonel.

Degtyarevt took it and shouted for Dima and Sanyok to pin the sniper down. They did as asked and peppered the corridor with heavy fire. Hanging over the ground, connecting two large office buildings, there was little room for the gunman to retreat to. Degtyarev used the distraction to launch a grenade at the sniper's nest, and when the projectile smacked into its roof the sniper flew out, lifeless. Boris had managed to catch his breath again, but worried of the radiation he kept his helmet still on. Degtyarev helped him up and gave him back his rifle with an approving nod, and when Boris felt more combat-ready in a minute, they continued on.

There was an assortment of half-eaten and decomposed corpses on the ground as they rounded the corner, scattered around an old garage. By the looks of it they had been Zombified stalkers. Judging by their state, they had died weeks ago, gnawed on by some abominations of the Zone. Degtyarev urged them on, and they moved into the facility proper. The backyard had far fresher carcasses, mostly from bloodsuckers and zombies, but also of one controller. There was also a single UNISG operative laying in a pool of blood by the door, pistol in hand and empty magazine by his side.

  • This is it. Move in quietly and take them by surprise. I bet they have more guys than we, but at least we have a walking tank on our side, Degtyarev ordered, nodding at Boris' Nosorog.

Boris took the lead with Sanyok following suit right behind him. The factory was well-lit, especially as a group of Electro anomalies pulsed on the grounds below. Degtyarev pointed at the door down in the motorpool, and Boris took out his Svarog to navigate the anomalies. Crackling and energizing the squad, the Electros at best came mere centimetres from zapping them, but they got through narrow gap in the field. The tunnel underneath led them to a staircase, and as they were crossing the elevated platform they could hear UNISG troops' chatter coming from the larger room. Dima with his suppressed rifle took lead, but as he entered the control room however, disaster struck. A crouched UNISG trooper had been inspecting the computers and panicked upon seeing the Redeemed.

Dima draw his weapon as well, and they exchanged fire. Dima's Val struck the enemy down, but his parting salvo hit the Redemption leader in his chest. The SEVA was weakly armoured, but could in a pinch save a man especially if upgraded. The armoured chestpiece held, but it did crack under the pressure badly. The burst force broke two of Dima's ribs and he fainted from the shock. Sanyok managed to catch his comrade and drag him to cover, when another UNISG trooper rushed up the catwalk and swept the control room with bullets. As his magazine ran out he tried to retreat to cover, only for Boris to catch him off guard with a burst.

The agent fell down, but others rushed into the room behind him and the Redemption squad was getting more and more pinned down. At least four enemies had made it to the catwalk. Degtyarev peaked out and let out some bursts, but it was ineffective. Boris did the same and struck the first enemy, but his armour absorbed the blow and the fast-firing shotgun he was using pushed Boris into cover. Boris cursed and slammed a new magazine into his weapon.

  • Dima's fine at least on the outside! I hope there's no internal bleeding, but his vest held! I'll try to wake him up!, Sanyok shouted over the gunfire and took out his water bottle, splashing Dima's face with its contents.

  • Sukaaaa, I'm drow... Blyat, I don't need a shower Sanyok! I had one last month for fucks sake!, Dima shouted as he came back to the land of the living.

  • Bad news Boris, he seems to have survived!, Sanyok continued.

  • Stop yapping you meatheads, and fire!, Boris roared and fired a grenade at the enemy position, forcing them back despite it being mostly ineffective.

He took the initiative and quickly crossed the raised platform, streaming automatic fire at the staircase as UNISG troops retreated. Degtyarev was right behind him, and their 5 millimetre bullets created a storm of sparks as they kept ricocheting around the room. One of the infiltrators caught a bullet and fell down face first, dead in seconds. The others had made it to the cover around a large room. In the middle of it lay a crashed helicopter, and sunlight seeped into the room. The sudden brightness made it much harder for the international troops to hide, and when Boris and Degtyarev made it behind an assemly line machine of sorts, a vicious exchange of fire broke out.

This stalemate continued for quite some time, the heavy fire striking the machine creating large holes in its rusty frame. The colonel hit one of the UNISG troops in the chest and sent him back from the force of the strike, allowing Boris in turn to pump shots at his head. However, a UNISG trooper located behind a metal table pinned them down with his M249 machine gun, and neither the SSU nor Redemption commander could move much without being struck by the bullets.

  • What now?, Boris managed to ask over the crescendo of gunfire.

  • Got any more grenades?, the colonel asked.

  • Njet, nada. Shot my last two at these urods already.

But thankfully for the two, no grenades were needed. Shotgun blasts ran out from behind the machine gunner, and he keeled over his machine gun. Suppressed shots caught the last two agents unaware, and their internal organs ruptured from heavy 9 millimetre rounds. Dima limped into view, suppored by Sanyok, and they waved for the danger to be over. Boris and Degtyarev got up and crossed the room to their comrades.

  • Always need to be saving your ass, Boris, Dima said, coughing dryly.

  • Indeed, where would I be without you, Dima, Boris replied in a sarcastic tone.

  • In a better mental state, I bet. Anyway, I believe they were looking for some documents. Dima, sit down and get some rest. Sanyok, keep an eye on him so he doesn't faint, getting the shock force in your chestpiece is a hell of a thing, that damn rat Black hit me there years ago and I almost became wormfood right then and there. Boris, let's try to find those documents, alright?, the colonel said, and everyone did as ordered.

The two commanders entered the large lift hall in the next room, passing by a skeleton completely overgrown by Burnt Fuzz anomaly. Boris shuddered at the sight but continued. Inside the lift room was a large hall filled with abandoned cars, old equipment and shipping crates. The UNISG squad had tried to get inside one, it seemed, and while Degtyarev went to look for the documents inside the "bridge" from which the lift had been controlled from, Boris checked the crate. Clearly the agents had tried to break in using crowbars and hammers, but Boris had a more brutal method of getting in. He used his exo-hand to punch the crate open, and despite its sturdy planks, it gave in and collapsed. As the dust settled, Boris realized that he was staring at some sort of device.

Degtyarev soon appeared from behind him, a document case triumphantly held in his hands, but he came to a halt as he saw the device. Boris turned to look at him questioningly, as he had started to feel a distinct headache creeping in.

  • A transportable psi-emitter. Much weaker than the Scorcher or Yantar brain, but strong enough to cause confusion, loss of memory and cognitive abilities, even brain aneurysms or, in long-term exposure, Zombification or Monolith-ification. Lieutenant Rogovets fell under the influence of one of these. He still suffers from the dreams, more so than we stalkers usually do, Degtyarev explained.

  • I see. Can we destroy it?

  • I'll send a demolition team, it's not a high priority unlike these documents. Hm, the eggheads could probably pick it up for study, I need to give Hermann a call, maybe he can send Topol over or something.

  • As long as it is destroyed or properly taken care of. So, what now, spymaster?, Boris asked, exhausted from the fighting.

  • That is all for now. I have business to attend to in Pripyat, but it doesn't concern your squad. Get some rest, watch out for these clowns and keep yourself alive, Boris. Sorry for being a dick earlier, it's just after Sultan, anyone even remotely like bandit has left a sour taste in my mouth, the colonel explained.

  • Oh, don't worry, I made sure old Sultan won't bother anyone no more. Fucker took everything from me for a few roubles, made me a monster, a beast that I'm still trying to kill inside me, Boris sighed.

  • Well, we all have our demons. Even us supposed good guys. Hell, especially us. I hope your mission succeeds then. And if you ever have trouble with the SSU, give me a call and I'll sort it out as long as you haven't done anything stupid.

  • Sure, I will. Good luck in Pripyat, watch out for fanatics!

And with that, the colonel took the side entrance out and marched off, holstering his Groza over his shoulder. Boris returned to his squad and to his relief Dima had managed to get up on his feet again. Boris explained what they had found out, and where Degtyarev had went to. They decided to take a little break, broke out the bottled water, beans and bread, and planned what to do next. Sanyok proposed that they'd head for Yanov and help Professor Zhuk out, Boris was eager to return back to Meadow and Dima wanted to seek out Scar and find out what the hell he was doing. Each of them proposed their own arguments and eventually as the conversation stalled they decided to simply head to Yanov and rest for the night.

As they left the factory complex, one of the UNISG troopers opened his eyes, spat out blood and with shaking hands, drew out his PDA, opening a voice message program. With his last breaths, he managed to pant out a quick message:

  • Serbin... Mission compromised, documents seized by SSU... Contact Khan immediately and warn him about Pripyat...

With this, the trooper spat out one last drop of blood, fell on his PDA, and as the PDA beeped to note the message being sent, the infiltrators eyes grew as cold as glass and his breathing stopped.


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Chapter LXVIII: The Last Day of Autumn