Chapter XCIX: Redemption Triumphant

 The afterglow of an emission still burned like an ember over the horizon. Strange, otherworldly strings of pure energy lingered among the clouds, and the sky was torn apart as water begun to pour. In the dead of winter, harsh downpour washed away powder snow for a second. Then, just as quickly as it had begun, the raining ceased, leaving behind lethal ice fields and puddles frozen over. Still shaken by their run-in with the ethereal voices of the storm, Redemption leadership emerged from Forester's tower into the fresh air. Another group of Redemption soldiers had hid in the warehouse and trailer nearby, and they similarly left their shelters once the wrath of Zone had begun to dissipate.

Boris' faction members greeted their commander with cheerful hurrahs and jokes. Boris in turn was relieved to see them all. Gleb, Valik, Vova, Toha, Leva and Redemption allies Zakarov, Grishka, Anton, Mark and Arthur were all present. Dimuha had told Boris that despite enormous efforts from Vityukha and Vova, Mihas had died to his wounds. After Boris had greeted his small army, he went to visit Mihas' grave. Partially hidden behind the trailer, it was a simple wooden cross under a tree. Boris kneeled down and said a prayer to his comrade's soul.

  • Farewell, brother. May you find redemption beyond this world, he said and left a bottle for his fallen ally.

  • He was a good man. We've lost surprisingly few so far, but it only makes this so much worse, Dima said behind him with a heavy voice.

  • Indeed. Anton Antipin, Venya, Edik, Seryoga and Mihas now, yet it could be so much worse. We have been lucky, but I presume we won't be so in the future. I am afraid of it, to be honest. Deadly afraid.

  • I understand. But we'll survive it, I'm sure of it. Limansk was the final step for our faction, we fought like madmen to stop actual madmen. As long as you lead us, we won't falter.

  • Thank you, Dima. That helps a lot, Boris said and smiled warmly.

  • Anytime, pep talks ain't my forte but I know you well enough to dish them out for you. Now, one last thing before we get some rest. That Sin POW, want to interrogate him?, Dima asked.

Boris nodded and the two commanders went to the gate of the nature reserve, where Valik and Gleb were guarding the Sin trooper. He looked dreadful, his eyes darting all over the place nervously.

  • Valik, you sure that's necessary for a guard detail?, Boris asked in an amused voice, looking at Valik's Igla strapped to his back.

  • May I remind our beloved leader that without this, you would've been worm food?, Valik replied with a smirk.

  • Whatever, just don't use it if the prisoner escapes, it's messy. Anyway, mister Sinner, how are you today?

  • Fu...fuck off infidel, I will not waste my breath on those that are not touched by Vyraj's light!, the young Sinner replied defiantly, but Boris could hear fear in his voice.

  • I see. And this light of Vyraj? When did you first feel it, my son?

  • I'm not your fucking son! I am the son of Chernobog, our leader, our father, not some greedy stalker lowlife who only cares about loot and exploiting others, not of achieving salvation!

  • Alrighty then. You do know we aren't stalkers? We're Redemption members, and we do seek salvation. Listen, do you even remember the time before you met Chernobog?

  • What does that have to do with anything?

  • I'm just interested. Since well, most of us have a family outside the Zone. Yet you Sinners seemed hell-bent on turning the entire world into Zombified.

  • What? The Purifier was meant to only reach most of the Zone.

  • Looks like you got bullshitted pretty hard. Look. Do you remember your family? Anything other than following Chernobog?

  • I... I do not need to answer to some scum of the Earth...

  • You see? You were controlled. You do not remember. Anything. Your memory was erased and you were turned into some slave, puppet to Chernobog's will. To turn your family, parents, siblings, possible loved ones, into brainless husks. Think about that.

  • I... I do not... What the...

  • Yes. He never managed to control you fully. Your comrades, others we captured, committed group suicide. If that isn't the definition of mind control, I don't know what is. But you were given a chance. A chance to return back to who you were. A chance to redeem yourself. Do not waste it. Valik, Gleb, release him, Boris ordered.

The two Redeemed obeyed, and Sinner looked at his now free hands, dazed and confused, then at Boris. Boris could see mixed feelings in those hazy eyes, but most importantly, a clarity.

  • If you decide to do what I said, come to Meadow. We don't care about your past, but we do care about your future, and we can help you make things right. Now, go. Good luck, stalker, enjoy your freedom, Boris commanded and the ex-Sinner stumbled away, following the road south.

  • Well, that was certainly interesting, but we didn't get any intel out of that, Dima pondered out loud.

  • He was barely a trainee, I don't think he had much to tell us. Still, I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of him. But now, time for rest. Is that roasted pork I smell?, Boris asked, prompting Gleb and Valik to rush towards the campfire. Dima and Boris followed, laughing.

The two Redemption commanders joined their comrades around the fire. Dimuha was playing a guitar. His fingers ran through the strings, masterfully hitting notes and producing a nostalgic tune. It was the legendary Zone song, He was a good stalker. The stalker allies gathered around the fire hanged their heads or closed their eyes, enjoying the small safe haven of warmth, thinking back to friends lost yet not forgotten. Boris opened a bottle of Ukrainian beer, the green bottle glistening by the fire, and took a large gulp to honour the dead. It was a curious feeling, a mix of grief and acceptance, simultaneously remembering and letting go. As the song came to an end, the tune echoing hauntingly over the forest, Boris finished his bottle and thought to himself: Farewell, friends, let your sacrifice not be in vain.

  • That song always hits like a truck, thanks Dimuha, Sanyok said quietly.

  • I agree, especially when it is played that well. Hell, Dimuha could become a career musician!, Gleb responded as well.

  • And let you have his spot as Redemption lieutenant, I wager?, Valik asked snarkily.

  • And chaos ensued, Stepukha chimed in, prompting chuckles from Valik and Toha.

Dimuha played another song, this time a bit more upbeat one, and the stalkers would nod along or tap their feet. It came to a halt as Grishka and Arthur received a signal on their communication devices and rose up quickly. Boris looked at them questioningly, and Grishka explained the reaction while Arthur begun to gather their stuff.

  • Loki sent us a message. The Freedom assault to free Yanov has been partially successful, but they need more soldiers to push further in. I'd prefer to help you guys, but this is Freedom high-up orders, we can't disagree with those.

  • I understand. If you need anything we can provide, I'll be happy to help, Boris answered, but Grishka shook his head.

  • You've done enough. You all have. If you squash Sin and survive, join us at Yanov, it can be fun around there, Grishka joked in a voice mocking that of the (in)famous Hawaiian. Arthur groaned.

  • We will. Good luck out there, may Mother Anarchy guide your shots, Sanyok added and the two Freedomers left the circle, waving as goodbye.

Chatter begun between the members of Redemption and other factions as daylight begun to grow sparse. Vova added a few large sticks to the fire, and it quickly engulfed them, crackling merrily as the wood was consumed. Stepukha begun to grill a few kolbasas on the fire, sticking them on his bayonet. Gleb, Valik and Toha were deep in conversation about their achievements in Limansk, Valik caressing his rocket launcher and boasting of its potential, apparently he had named it Lydia. Zakarov and Kruglov explained some scientific breakthroughs to Sanyok, the sheer quantity of odd terms described overwhelming Boris in seconds.

Dimuha and Hip were talking about rifles, as they often did, as Dimuha was really eager to buy the biggest and meanest rifle Hip could offer once she opened her shop in Meadow. Vityukha rolled his eyes at the conversation, as they went down to the smallest of details in their quest to outdo each other in sniper knowledge. Boris laid back and rested his mind, marvelling at how good he felt. It was as if he had been completely remade, every inch of his being revitalized. After months of pain and aches, it felt amazing. Yet a thought came into his mind through it all.

  • Dima... One question? Where the hell is my Nosorog? I'm still in my undersuit, he asked.

  • Oh, Forester is running some maintenance on it before Polymer arrives, we don't want him getting a heart attack again, do we?, Dima chuckled.

  • I almost had one when I thought I'd lose it. Besides, the heart attack he had when he last saw the state of my Nosorog was nothing compared to that old exo of mine.

Dima laughed some more, reminiscing of the day long ago, when Boris' absolutely ridiculous renegade exo had last seen the light of day. Then he pulled out a cigar and, with slow, deliberate movements, lit it up, enjoying every second. Boris gave him a look of disgust, receiving a smirk in return. Dima leaned back against the box he was sitting next to and closed his eyes. Boris would've done the same if Mark and Anton hadn't appeared next to him.

  • So, I don't mean to rain on your parade and take anything away from this small moment of rest, but are you still going to help us find out what happened to Theo?, Mark asked quietly. Boris nodded.

  • Yes indeed. We will cross through the hospital to CNPP and to the Generators. If we survive, and I know we will, we shall look for Theo everywhere. But bratan... Are you ready for the truth, whatever it may be?

  • I am. I have not lived for many years. Theo and I... We were more than just companions. He was like a brother I never had. I can't move on if I don't know what happened, I know it. He haunts my sleep, and that Karlik shithead was the last drop. I NEED to know.

  • And you shall. I will make sure of it. I know what it is to have a brother like that, Boris said and nodded towards Dima, who nodded back.

  • Thank you. I don't have anything to offer but my gun in the upcoming fight, but know that if we do find the truth, I'll be indebted to you forever.

  • You won't. We are Redemption. It is our duty, our mission and our sacrament to help a stalker in need. We have our demons following us, you have a ghost following you. We are not the same, but not so different either.

Mark nodded, his eyes bright. Boris had never seen the gloomy and taciturn stalker this energetic and talkative. Anton's company seemed to do wonders. The big stalker also had something to ask, and Boris urged him to go ahead.

  • So as you know, I am leaving soon. I've got the money, I've got Sid to get me a route out. But there is something I wanted to do as well. I would still be dead in that mine if it wasn't for you, and I would not have a family to return to if it wasn't for Redemption. Now, I don't have anything to give except for this, so I hope it will suffice.

  • What is it then?, Boris asked, raising his eyebrow.

The free stalker flung his backbag off his shoulders and took out a lead-lined container. He opened it up, allowing Boris to peer inside. There, safe inside the radiation-proof material, an artefact floated, suspended mid-air. It was pure emerald green, like a combination of a fruit and mineral.

  • This, my friend, is the Heart of Oasis. It is the single most useful artefact there ever was, with it on your belt your wounds will heal faster than ever, you will never tire and you will be able to go days without a morsel of food, Anton explained, admiring the glow of the miraculous little thing.

  • But... Why give it to me? Why not sell it or take it with you?

  • I have a child. As miraculous as this is, I don't want such a radioactive thing near her in any way. Besides, I prefer not to have a constant reminder of the Zone in my life.

  • Fair enough. I would tell you to go home right away, but I guess you want to see this through?

  • As long as I know some nutcases have access to a Zone-expanding emission machine, I won't leave. So no, you're stuck with me until this business is over, Anton said with a grin.

  • I'm glad. And thank you, I'll put this to good use for sure.

With this, the Austrian stalker went back to Mark, the other stalker once again fixing up the optics on his rifle. Boris observed the group gathered around the fire once more. Leva and Toha argued over who had their head up their asses more, Duty or mercs, while Vityukha and Vova had started talking about medicines and healing. This in turn had led to Hip and Dimuha booing them for being boring. Gleb had enjoyed a couple bottles of vodka now, and started to tell jokes so racy that even the ex-bandits Toha and Stepukha were blushing, while Vadik and Sanyok laughed their asses off. Boris opened another bottle of beer and raised up, coughing to catch the others attention.

  • Speech!, Dima shouted mockingly.

  • Fuck off Dima, why you got to ruin this too? Ahem, anyway, brothers... and Hip, Boris said, Hip booing at him too while others laughed. Boris continued once everyone calmed down.

  • This won't be a speech, but I did want to say that I never thought I could be this proud of us all. We won, friends! We actually, unquestionably, won one of the hardest battles the Zone has ever seen! We showed the Monolith bastards and Sin lunatics what it means when Redemption goes to war, and we'll give them another spanking in the future as well! To victory brothers, to Redemption! Budmo!

  • HEY!, everyone yelled back and laughed.

And with this, everyone downed their drinks and the campfire was fed as well, the crackling of wood lasting long into the night, almost as long as the chatter, laughter, jokes and toasts. For once, Red Forest remained quiet otherwise, it was as if the Zone, in honour of Redemption's victory, had decided to give them a few hours of rest. Whatever the cause for this break in action, Boris could not care less. Despite all expectations, he was alive, and he was damn sure going to enjoy it to the fullest.


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Chapter CXXXV: Intercepting the Infiltrators

Chapter LXIII: Sins of the Father

Chapter LXVIII: The Last Day of Autumn