Chapter LXXXVII: Final Day Before the Storm

 The bleak landscape of Dead City seemed even more hopeless than usual. The brutalist architecture of the city, abandoned for decades, mirrored its current inhabitants quite well. For Boris and his squad however, it was a refuge amidst chaos. The defeat at West Yantar had made them vengeful and furious, but it was also clear that a second for rest was needed. The strategically placed mercenary sniper nests kept the city clean, and upon seeing the crimson and black uniforms of Redemption a few mercenaries waved in greeting.

Inside the marketplace serving as mercenary base, the athmosphere was rather gloomy. Four soldiers of fortune sat at an empty space before Dushman's stand, staring at the ground, hands hanging limply on top of their knees. Other mercenaries seemed to patrol the large building aimlessly, and even the upstairs radio seemed to be off. Boris glanced at Dima, who shrugged. Sanyok seemed a bit nervous, something Boris didn't hold against him, it was his first time here since his changing of factions.

  • You've got some nerve showing up here, traitor, Dushman bellowed from the other side of the hall.

  • Calm down, Dushman. He's with us. You would've killed him anyway so I took him under my wings so he can avenge his fallen comrades, Boris replied.

  • So you think you can intervene in merc business? We don't let someone go unpunished after a failure like that.

  • Listen here. I am tired of your shit. We're heading into Limansk to kick the Sinners out before they unleash the biggest fucking psi-emitter on the world. Or were you not aware of that?, Boris growled, having closed the gap between himself and the merc boss. For a second, he saw surprise in Dushman's eyes.

  • You didn't know that they're building an emitter there? The intelligence master of the Zone, unaware of such a large thing happening right under their noses. It's true. Kruglov can testify. So stop pestering my soldiers for once. I'd say storming the Sin defences in a Hail Mary attack is more than enough punishment for Sanyok, Boris hissed.

  • Fine. You're testing your luck, but for this once I'll let him off the hook. Now, please share the situation with uncle Dushman in exchange for keeping your little Ingrian.

  • Here's all you need to know. I knew you'd want details and while I don't work for you no more, it doesn't matter one bit what you do with this info. In a week, we may all be faithful servants of the Monolith, Boris said, secretly relieved that his plan had worked. He gave Dushman a pendrive Kruglov had filled with research data.

  • Well, thank you. But please keep your whining to the minimum. The boys are already demoralized after constant skirmishes with Sin, Monolith and Military. I've lost more operators in the last month than during the entirety of scramble for the North.

  • In that case, they'll be happy to know that Dima sent orders for as many as possible of Redemption to head to Limansk. We're gonna put an end to their zealotry or die trying.

  • I don't see the former being a possibility, the Sinners are almost as annoying bastards as you and they're dug in well. But, for what its worth, I'm sending some troops to help. If the emitter thing is true, then it might be worth our while to help you suckers out. After all, it is hard to make money when you're Zombified...

  • Well said. Besides, Sin is already bad for business, they don't even carry fancy science fiction guns, Boris said with grin.

Dushman scoffed, signaling the end of the conversation. Boris found his squad resting on the second floor of the market, Sanyok and Zakarov loudly protesting Dima's decision to remove his boots, now stinking so foul that they alone would keep even the most fearsome mutants in the Zone away. Dima did not heed their words, only sat back and closed his eyes. Boris sat next to them, put his gasmask back on and stretched his legs out to their full length. Kruglov was furiously writing notes about his new suit.

  • So, Dima, Sanyok and Zakarov. I may have a completely separate job for you, Boris said after a long period of rest.

  • I thought we were going to Limansk next?, Sanyok replied, bemused.

  • Nope. I need you to go to Rostok. Now listen well.

Boris explained his plan to the others, first making sure Zakarov was on board. The ecologist considered it his duty after having been saved twice by Redemption. Once this was settled, Boris designated each stalker's role in the larger mission. Finally he finished by assigning equipment. Dima would take Kruglov's old suit, while Boris fetched an old and worn-out Duty suit from his old stash on the roof.

  • Where the hell did you get that?, Dima asked loudly.

  • Back when I was still a renegade, I ambushed a group of Duty deserters. One had a rather good condition PS5-R scout suit, so I helped myself to it. I didn't even remember I still had it since back then I already had the renegade exoskeleton.

  • Oh yeah, the bargain bin exo, I remember that. I hope Polymer has disassembled it while we've been gone, Dima said with a smirk, receiving a lethal look from Boris.

  • Back to the topic at hand, I like the plan. Plenty of swagger and risks, but it could work. And it's not like we have much of a chance, Zakarov intervened, a thoughtful expression on his face.

  • Good. I'll meet with Dimuha and Vityukha in Limansk, and Mark, Anton and Hip should arrive there too. I hope Strelok's group hasn't done anything reckless while we've been gone, Boris said, getting up.

While the ones heading to Rostok prepared themselves, Kruglov wished them well and left for Yantar. He'd fetch the newly organized Ecologist commandos, made up of former guards who had received merc training and equipment as the military had pretty much left the scientists to their own devices during the aggressive pushes against stalkers. Boris went downstairs with him, and after parting ways with the veteran scientist, headed once more to Dushman. He knew that the battles ahead would require plenty of firepower, and thus he sought to expand his arsenal.

Hours later, in Limansk, a lone Sin guard was watching the road leading to the entrance to Red Forest intently. Evening had long since passed, and the dusk's red and black hues already reflected in the sky above. The Sinner thought back to the battles of last weeks, how they had purged this lonesome city of its inhabitants, the parasitic mercs and pitiful stalkers. Victory seemed to be at their grasp, only few more days and the world would see the dawning light of Vyraj. In his hubris, he did not notice a large figure sneaking in from behind. A long, curved blade slid through his ribs as a large, leather-gloved hand prevented the scream from getting out.

  • Good night, suka, Boris hissed, sliding his kukri out from the now lifeless Sinner's back. The Sin squad inside the nearby house had heard nothing.

Eager to continue undetected, Boris left the corpse where it lay and continued on, coming to the camp near Red Forest outpost his hands held high. The loner guards, weary and battered, almost fired upon him but their faces brightened slightly upon seeing the Redemption leader. Strelok, Vityukha and Dimuha greeted him as well, and Boris joined them in battle planning. The siege for Limansk had begun, and now, the Zone's future was not the only thing hanging in balance.


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Chapter CXXXV: Intercepting the Infiltrators

Chapter LXIII: Sins of the Father

Chapter LXVIII: The Last Day of Autumn