Chapter LV: Wrath of the Zone
A mushroom cloud with a light red tint to it rose over the horizon, taking over the sky and covering the otherwise bright blue day. The land darkened below, light growing as dim as during late evenings. The sun disappeared behind the cloud, taking with it the last rays of hope. And then the howling begun. Strong gust of wind swept across Garbage, and with them came a sort of whispering and wailing of otherworldly nature. As if the ghosts of those perished to emissions came before it to warn the living. Boris and Dima were already springting towards the Depot. They barely had time to dodge the various chemical and gravitational anomalies. The sweat from the fight before mixed with the panic-induced streams that now created rivers down their foreheads and backs, but on they pushed. They knew the alternative, instant disintegration or zombification. The winds were now so thick with radiation and dust that it was hard to see forward, the landscape appearing grainy before them. Boris ...